Monday, 19 March 2012

Tally For Monday: -237

Well, I learned something today:
In order for this system to carry itself well, I need to make sure that the TakeProfit portion of my trade is in a tighter stoploss position. Since there will be moments when I get the 'Jump In' signal, only to find that the market suddenly changed its mind, and I cant even get a small Takeprofit. I'm still not sure how I'm going to accomplish this tighter stoploss without stopping the trade too early, but I think this is a minor set back with this system. Have to keep in mind that I cannot win every trade.

So today was less than stellar because I did not set up the Expert Adviser (EA) that would close a portion of my position automatically. This resulted in trades with large loses (-459 and -276). These trades were also not divided up (no EA present at the time to divide the allotment), so I felt the full weight of that loss. In addition, since I didn't have the EA present for my morning trades, I also missed out on any more additional gains (since I would divide my order 50/50: one for TakeProfit and the other a trailing low/high bar). Instead it was just a small TakeProfit for the full allotment.

Even though I have a negative number here today, I still managed to make back a good portion of it. I believe once I know the kinks with the EA, and work them out, I'll have a better profit for the day. So, hopefully tomorrow will work out a little better :)

P.S. I decided not to post all the trades I made today because it is rather tedious. I will tell you every trade was made in GOLD, and I made 9 trades in all.