Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Hedging EA: A Work In Progress

So, the part time job I had did not work out, unfortunately. The hours were terrible, and the pay did not even cover my rent. So I'm back to handing out resumes and such, while I try to make a better Day Trading System.

Right now I'm trying to create a Hedging EA from a Hedging method I came up with (or so I know). I just finished the worst part of this Hedging EA, which is creating new pending orders according to the multiple pending orders or open orders that are already present. This took quite awhile to pull off because I had to no way of testing my programming quickly. I had to do it the hard way by opening pending orders, and waiting until the live price hit them, which always takes forever. So if I got the programming wrong I would have to try and fix it, then wait all over again.

So, yeah, the worst part is over. Now comes the fun part of playing with the details of it, and prettying the code up a little.